Handy Man

The HOA pays for changing of light bulbs, A/C filters, and smoke detector batteries that require getting a ladder to change. Our handy man Jeff Taylor  (936-689-3922) provides these services. 

The handyman service is authorized to change A/C filters, lightbulbs and smoke detector batteries (replacements to be provided by the homeowner). A/C filters will only be changed every three months and smoke detector batteries will only be changed every six months.  All A/C filters and smoke detector batteries in the house will be changed at one time so be sure you have enough supplies for all.  We will no longer change corkscrew type cfi lightbulbs!  Service is provided the last Saturday of the month. 

There are work order forms in the club house that may be filled out and left in the work order folder above the dues box. You can also download it from here. Leave filled out form in the work order folder. 

Jeff also does side jobs. You can call him at the above phone number. Any additional work that you would like to have done should be negotiated directly with Bill.

Gutters will be cleaned once a year and your front door refinished every ten years per a set schedule.